Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Raising Speed Limits to Raise Oil Profits

It would seem in an era of burgeoning scarcity, more attention should be paid to the policy effects that raising speed limits will have on fuel economy. It is estimated, for every five mph you drive over 60 mph, you end up reducing your fuel economy by roughly eight percent.  With Texas speed limits topping at 85 miles an hour, almost double the fuel would be used in traveling the same distances as someone driving at 60 mph. With safety also been compromised, raising speed limits looks like one more way the Legislature can act in accordance to line the pockets of oil companies.

The way the fox news article--the author is responding to--is framed, is just one more example of how a corrupt government along with a bought out media shield the real agenda behind the issues, refusing to shed light as part of the media coverage on who exactly government policies benefit and who they harm, posing a straw man debate to occupy and distract the masses. The way the best heists are carried out unnoticed, to an unsuspecting victim, is the way in which the wealth is being transferred between the classes through the political spectacle and resulting policies by Texas government. 

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